Kilimanjaro Routes

Trekking Kilimanjaro

Which Route Is Best For You?

There are Seven Main Routes which can be take while hiking to Mt. Kilimanjaro:- Machame, Lemosho, Umbwe, Shira, Rongai, Marangu and Mweka route. These routes varies in distance, cost, scenery, difficult levels and success rates.

To select which route you can is important decision to make. There is no best route over another, but your selection might depend on the number of factors to one route best of another. Factors could be time of your visit, your budget, personal preferences and level of your fitness and experience.

Machame Route

Famously known as "Whisky route" due to its difficulties, but statistically it is one of the routes with hight rates of summit success. It comes from southern part of the mountain. Best scenery can be seen due to its steepness which leaves trails with many ups and downs. It is more strenuous because of crossing several valleys and ridges.

The Famous BARANCO WALL can be passed if this route is taken. This wall is better known for its steepness which requires one to use his hand for balance during climbing.

The route is absolutely spectacular and the most scenic Kilimanjaro climbing route.

Lemosho Route

It comes from western side of the mountain. Taking this route gives you a possibility of seeing beautiful rainforest with possible wildlife animals. It is a long trek which also offer best scenery with comfortable hiking days of seven or eight.

After first two days the route joins Machame at Shira Camp and shares the trails afterwards.

Together with Machame, Shira an Umbwe routes, they both offer a period to acclimatize . The process is essential help for successful summits.

Marangu Route

Famously known as "Cocacola Route". It is the oldest and the most popular route which has been established on the mountain. It is also the most crowded route because the same route is used ascending and descending. Tourists who are not prepared well for trekking usually take these trails due its steady and gradual slope.

Only huts are used for accommodation , camping is not permitted. Marangu route is mostly preferred for budgeted tourists, fewer numbers and no camping equipment are the main reasons for its lower price.

It is favorite route during wet season, however this route is the least scenic and is the same route for ascending and descending.

Shira Route

Shira is another route which approaches from the western side of the mountain. Shira route was the firstly established before Lemosho route. While Lemosho route treks through rainforest to Shira 1 Camp, Shira route bypass this trail of Lemosho route by drive of car to Shira Ridge.

On the first day trekkers camp at Simba Camp (11800 ft elevation) and rejoins Lemosho route on the following day.

It is not the most recommended over Lemosho as just on the first day, trekkers acquire high elevation by using a car which leaves possible high altitude sickness on the following days.

Umbwe Route

Top steepest route on the mountain, but direct and short. Also the top most challenging route to hike Mt. Kilimanjaro, It is does not offer enough time to acclimatize and therefore not recommended for clients who are not confident with minimal time to acclimatize. Only clients with good history of hiking and enough physical capabilities are preferred to take the route. On the following days this
route rejoins Machame and Lemosho routes at Baranco Camp.

Rongai Route

Rongai approaches the Mountain from the north side near Kenya boarder. Its considered the easiest route and preferred by trekkers who do not like crowds from Marangu route. It rejoins Marangu route at Kibo Camp and descends through Marangu route.

This route passes through the camp which is beneath Mawenzi Peak which is considered the most scenic on the mountain. The difficulties on Rongai route is minimal, and is highly recommended, especially for those with less hiking experience.

It is also advantageous as the northern side of the mountain is a lot drier and reduce the chances for failure to summits due to rains and wets.

Which is the best route to climb Kilimanjaro?

"There is no best route over another"

The best route are in your choices and preference but before choosing a route, go through this questions:

>Who is climbing? Are there any beginners in your group? Any older or younger people?

>What is your budget? How many days are in your visit?

>Where do you want to start your climb?

>Why are you climbing? Is summiting your most upper achievement of your trek? Is it important to take photos of the most scenic places?

>When is your trekking scheduled?

The table below explains in summary of important highlights of each route.

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